Why so many American leaders are advancing a new kind of nihilism
Category: Bibliography
********* Freedom for the Wolves
Neoliberal orthodoxy holds that economic freedom is the basis of every other kind. That orthodoxy, a Nobel economist says, is not only false; it is devouring itself.
***** NYTimes: The Line Between Good and Evil Cuts Through Evangelical America
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[*** The Washington Post] One poll question summarizes eight years of Donald Trump
Asked who they trust for information about Ukraine, Republicans were most likely to point to the former president.
*** NYTimes.com: How New Wars Have Brought Back Old American Divisions
How New Wars Have Brought Back Old American Divisions
Both parties experience echoes of decades past.
NYTimes.com: Is the Internet the Enemy of Progress?
Is the Internet the Enemy of Progress?
Revisiting Michael Crichton’s prophecy of cultural stagnation.
The Paradox of the American Labor Movement
It’s a great time to be in a union—but a terrible time to try to start a new one.
NYTimes.com: The Courage to Follow the Evidence on Transgender Care
The Courage to Follow the Evidence on Transgender Care
Dr. Hilary Cass’s thoughtful medical review is a model for how we should address difficult issues.
NYTimes: Here’s Something Southern Republican Governors Are Afraid Of
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NYTimes.com: Chinese Exports Are Threatening Biden’s Industrial Agenda
Chinese Exports Are Threatening Biden’s Industrial Agenda
The president is increasingly hitting back with tariffs and other measures meant to restrict imports, raising tensions with Beijing.