NYTimes.com: What the Fight Over the Capital One-Discover Merger Misses About Our Terrible Credit Card System

What the Fight Over the Capital One-Discover Merger Misses About Our Terrible Credit Card System

The deal will do nothing to fix policies that exacerbate the wealth gap and help big business get even bigger.


**** Mr. Haidt’s canon



Read through all of Mr. Haidt’s canon and it can be summed up as a guide to changing yourself


·        (“The Happiness Hypothesis,” 2006); changing other people’s minds

·        (“The Righteous Mind,” 2012); changing your own mind (“The Coddling of the American Mind,” 2018); and changing your tech-addicted children

·        (“The Anxious Generation,” on shelves March 26).



*********** NYTimes.com: First He Came for Cancel Culture. Now He Wants to Cancel Smartphones about Jonathan Haidt books

First He Came for Cancel Culture. Now He Wants to Cancel Smartphones

The N.Y.U. professor Jonathan Haidt became a favorite in Silicon Valley for his work on what he called the “coddling” of young people. Now, he has an idea for fixing Gen Z.


***** NYTimes.com: How German Atheists Made America Great Again

How German Atheists Made America Great Again

Taken together, two new books tell the century-long story of the revolutionary ideals that transformed the United States, and the counterrevolutionaries who fought them.
