“We have no viable path forward as a pluralistic society—none—without confronting the deterioration of the evangelical movement and repairing the relationship between Christians and the broader culture,” writes @TimAlberta:
Category: Bibliography
***** Hezbollah’s Long War Is With America Too
********* Israel Tries for a Knockout Blow
“Whether we wish it or not, we are again in the world of war, which plays by rules closer to those of the boxing ring than the seminar room,” writes @EliotACohen:
**** ‘It’s an Earthquake’
.@robertfworth reports from Beirut on the aftermath of the death of Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah:
******** Hezbollah Got Caught in Its Own Trap
“Hezbollah is now caught in a trap of its own making. It sought to have a limited border confrontation with Israel to maintain its credibility as a ‘resistance’ organization, but not an all-out war. Israel called its bluff,” @Ibishblog writes.
******* The ‘Gray Zone’ Comes to Russia
For the first time in many decades, a swath of Russia could become a gray zone, “a functional part of no country, controlled and punished by Russia’s adversary,” @annanemtsova writes:
****** The Wreckage of Neoliberalism
“President Biden’s first two years of accomplishments provide Democrats with an opportunity to sell a new, winning message of actionable economic nationalism—the antidote to the failures of neoliberalism,”@ChrisMurphyCT writes:
**** NYTimes.com: The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Beneath Their Noses
The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Beneath Their Noses
Chris Murphy has been trying to understand why our version of liberalism — emphasizing free markets and consumer choice — feels to many like a dead end.
****** NYTimes.com: The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Beneath Their Noses
The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Beneath Their Noses
Chris Murphy has been trying to understand why our version of liberalism — emphasizing free markets and consumer choice — feels to many like a dead end.
**** NYTimes.com: Why Is Trump Spreading Rumors About Haitian Immigrants? Rousseau Knows.
Why Is Trump Spreading Rumors About Haitian Immigrants? Rousseau Knows.
The 18th-century philosopher knew that divisive politicians understand that those who struggle economically “look more below than above them.”