The Great Capitulation
Powerful Americans have lost the will to resist Trump.
Advice for job Employers and Applicants
The Great Capitulation
Powerful Americans have lost the will to resist Trump.
What if Trump Doesn’t Need to Keep Any of His Promises?
For the 47th president, illusion is the new accountability.
“I believe that the illiberal-left movement has not merely declined,” @jonathanchait writes. “It is dead, or at least barely breathing. When was the last time you saw a social-media mob have any effect outside social media?”
Many friends, @EliotACohen has found, are despondent over Trump’s victory. “I respect their points of view but have decided to look elsewhere for advice, and so have turned to a different set of friends—those sitting on my bookshelves.”
The obstacles the U.S. has faced in trying to supply Ukraine during the past two years have revealed a systemic, gaping national-security weakness, Mark Bowden writes. The vaunted American war machine is in disarray and disrepair.
How Democrats Lost Their Base and Their Message
Donald Trump’s populist pitch bumped Democrats off their traditional place in American politics.
Crony Capitalism Is Coming to America
Business success may increasingly depend on connections, not competence.