NYTimes: I Have a Handle on History. The Future Is a Different Story.

I Have a Handle on History. The Future Is a Different Story. nyti.ms/3GDvowO

Recently, on Twitter, the political scientist Lee Drutman issued a challenge to his followers and readers.

“I’m all for envisioning doomsday scenarios so we can better prepare to avoid them,” he wrote. “But I’d also like to read more scenarios about how American democracy improves, and really specific scenarios, not the hand-wave-y stuff about how Americans put aside their differences.”

Since I am also inclined to think about doomsday scenarios for American democracy, I thought this was a useful exercise. Unfortunately, I came up empty-handed. I have many ideas for how we might improve democracy in the United States, but it is genuinely difficult for me to envision the path from A to B, from the status quo — with its entrenched interests and strong bias against change — to something more equal and inclusive.

With that said, in thinking through Drutman’s question, I reminded myself of a truism that’s worth repeating here: For as much as we might predict and project, the future is, and always will be, an undiscovered country.”

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NYTimes: Trump Won’t Let America Go. Can Democrats Pry It Away? ^

Trump Won’t Let America Go. Can Democrats Pry It Away? nyti.ms/3y3wfUw

 The framers of the Constitution gave rural Americans an electoral advantage in national politics. They did this for a reason. Urbanization and industrialization  enrich urban Americans at the expense of rural Americans.  Government must enact policies to mitigate this problem if we have any hope of restoring national unity and a functioning democracy. 

Democrats should give less focus to culture wars and more focus to policies that improve the lives of rural Americans.

Rural Americans have been economically depressed relative to urban Americans for a very long time and they know it. They may not know what policies will help the problem but they do know that they are mad.

 Republicans stay in power by exploiting this anger and resentment In rural America. They need it to stay in power. 

Democrats and the nation need policies that encourage investment in rural America.

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